The Importance of Perimeter Security in Rural Locations

rural perimeter security systems

Perimeter security is an extremely important safety measure for businesses. While many urban businesses take perimeter security as a given, many rural-based business owners don’t always think it’s as necessary. A common belief is that rural locations offer natural security. While this is true, rural locations also offer their own security issues that have to be addressed by security systems for rural areas. Rural perimeter security systems are just as important as their urban counterparts. 

Locating Vulnerabilities 

Great security professionals have a gift for visualization of all of the things that could happen. They then take those scenarios as a basis for using technology to protect your livelihood. Being able to plan for any situation is a mark of a good security professional. Starting with a risk assessment, experts take into consideration the threats of your location as well as the risks inherent in the merchandise or equipment you want to protect. Security isn’t a one-size-fits-all business, and rural locations introduce many threats that urban businesses never have to consider.

Get a Professional Lay of the Land

All security personnel should be trained in the layout and natural environmental threats of the location so they aren’t injured while checking the perimeter. Special attention should be paid to protecting the safety of employees and security personnel from natural threats. Even with the security measures in place, there should be a plan in place for how to get anyone to medical help quickly and safely should that be necessary. In many rural accidents, this isn’t considered until it’s too late. You need to be fully aware of the closest medical help and have a plan for getting there fast.

Bigger Doesn’t Always Mean Safer

Another logistical concern with securing rural sites in that they tend to be much larger than urban sites. Some of the considerations at a rural site may be how to secure the perimeter of such a large area efficiently and affordably. Strategically placed cameras can help security personnel monitor large areas and vehicles (possibly all-terrain) can help them get to an incident location swiftly. The right rural perimeter security system can work with your operation — no matter the size. 

Security from Scratch

One reason urban-based businesses take perimeter security as a given is that the infrastructure is already in place. Urban businesses have definite boundaries and most of the surrounding businesses have security measures in place. Many times the building itself is already outfitted with security before the business even opens shop. Most rural areas do not have the built-in infrastructure for perimeter security. It needs to be built from the ground up. One safety hazard that’s exacerbated in natural areas is alternative entrances. Especially if located in a large area, there may be natural, albeit treacherous entrances that you will need to secure even though they appear to serve as a natural barrier.

Wild Invaders

Rural areas also require greater attention to a type of invasion most urban businesses don’t need to fear — wild animals. Many rural businesses tend to butt up against some of these wild animals’ homes, so we can’t really blame the creatures for sniffing around your business. A good security professional can help create a system to deter animals from wandering into your grounds. In this scenario, you’re not only protecting your business, but also the animal from being injured. Depending on the size of the location, you might need security solutions that allow your business, security measures and nature to all work in tandem. You do not want your business to have a negative on the natural resources of your location. Working in rural areas often means being a steward of the environment.

How Technology is Making Rural Locations More Popular

As the workforce becomes more remote, experts predict more and more businesses will be moving their bases and headquarters to rural locations to lower costs across the board. Lower taxes and operating costs and presumably lower security costs. While these businesses may be changing their location, they will still need to secure their investments from a new set of threats and security hazards. Rural businesses show a greater reliance on remote security personnel, who can access the entire perimeter by radio, radar and camera and respond quickly when necessary. Experienced security professionals can help business owners navigate the security plan and setup.

Integrated Security Corp. Provides Security Systems for Both Rural and Urban Businesses

ISC delivers cutting-edge security systems for rural areas to the most sensitive sites (cannabis grow facilities, airports, nuclear facilities and more). We specialize in crafting a perimeter security solution that is tailored specifically to the client’s unique needs. Call today to find out how to keep your investment safe with a rural perimeter security system.