Cell tower security faces a lot of the same threats that most businesses face with their security systems. For instance, thieves and vandals are top of mind at all times. Not only can these threats break through standard security measures, but they can also cause significant damage.
On the other hand, cell tower security faces a very unique challenge in trying to mitigate risk from unseen threats — namely weather. Due to the vast height and magnitude of these towers, risks from all sorts of different weather patterns need to be dealt with as well. Thunderstorms, hail storms, high winds — all of these factors (and more!) need to be addressed with a proper security system.
An additional characteristic of cell towers that make it difficult to properly protect against vandalism and theft is the sometimes general remote locations of these towers. In many instances, cell towers are not near any other power sources or businesses, thus putting their security at a higher risk than most. In today’s ever-connected world, it is imperative for each and every cell tower’s security to never falter, as that could mean countless users are without a connection to their work, families and daily lives.